Mon 27 Jan
©•√™ π $150 Weekend Specials $150 π™√•© - 24
(Memphis, Memphis/Tunica/Southaven)
$$$100%% M$*Kandi ** New ** Picture$ ** $pecial$ ** Avail ** 24/7 ** (901)562-4263$$$ - 22
😘100 Special 🌴 (IN/OUT) SEDUCTIVE 💅🏾 Sexy Maya 🔥 HOTTIE w/. Banging Body ❣️🎀🌴 - 22
(Memphis, NEAR Olive Branch / Memphis)
©•√™ π $150 Weekend Specials $150 π™√•© - 23
(Memphis, Memphis/Tunica/Southaven)
ߒ • ♛ • LET'S PLAY NOW • ♛ • BUSTY cutie - 28
(, Memphis, Southaven & Surrounding, Memphis)
Transgender Woman Seeks Above Average Penis Size Black Man PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE TRANSGENDERED - 40
(Brighton, Tennessee, Memphis)
😍 100 IN/OUT SPECIAL 🌴 Upscale Petite 🔥 HOTTIE w/. [ BANGiN ] 💣💕 BODY - 22
(Memphis, Near OB, SH, WM)
~*T a l l ~*C l a s s y ~*G e n u i n e ~*I n d e p e n d e n t ~*I r i s h ~*B e a u t y - 34
Fourth and Long? Put Me in Your Game Coach.... - 23
(Memphis, Memphis/Tunica/Southaven)
~*~*~*~zoey oh so sweet treat call me now~*~*~*~ - 21
(memphis/tunica casinos/west mem)
ZoEy YoUr VanIlLa DeLiGht PlAyMaTe CLiCk HERE - 21
(memphis/tunica casinos)
White girl *Amber* SPECIALS 9016477503 - 18
(Memphis, Memphis Bartlett Jackson tunica)
YeS I Am tHe 1 i aM ThE BeSt i LoVe WhaT i Do aNd It ShOwS - 21
(memphis/tunica/west memphis)
UP all NIGHT long ~~~BOMBshell! FANTASYS begin HERE ** Endless POSSIBILITIES $100$ - 28
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall!! Covering the Midsouth..)
Upscale 👠😍 Party Girl 🍭🍭HOTTIE 🔥 w./ BANGIN BODY IN/OUT 100 SpEciAL IN/OUT - 22
(Memphis, Near OB, SH, WM)
Ur Main Attraction ((CLICK HERE))$100 Outcalls - 22
(Chattanooga, Outcalls Only)
~* S u p e r S e x y M a t u r e I r i s h D o l l ~* W o n d e r f u l l y R e v i e w e d~* - 33
READY NOWl Cute FaCe Petite JuicY booty ❤❤█✪ █ ♥Beautiful Sweet & Curvy ***❤❤❤██ ✪ █ - 20
(Memphis, east memphis cordova INcalls/Outcalls)
It's a Rosay Weekend!!! - 18
(Wherever you are daddy)
Its My BiRtHdAy WeEkEnD! AnD Im StiLl oN ThE jOb! I AiM To pLeAsE YoU! AMBER - 20
✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴✴ ▄ ✴ ▀ ✴♡ ♡ ♡💋💋 Hottest on Backpage~! Pearl!!! 💋💋♡ ♡ ♡✴ ▄ ✴ ...
(Memphis, Upscale Location! Will travel to tunica!)
I can't believe those are real Breast!!!!! *~*New to town with the bestdeals on BP - 21
(Memphis, Memphis Im on sycamore view)
Guys if you looking for entertainment this weekend book with JBK.ENT Today! - 21
(Memphis, Memphis TN)
Good Morning Babe🌟🏆 #1 UPSCALE💋MAYA💕 [Incalls & Outcalls Avail] KINK¥ 😍 Petite 💋 With {ju!cy b🍑...
GoRgEoUs~ BrUnNeTTe~ HoTTie~ ReAdY~ To~ PlAy & CoMiNg Ur WaY ~~ - 22
π©√•Enjoy Your Day With The Amazing Brunette Goddess√•©π - 24
(Memphis, Memphis/Tunica/Southaven)
Great rates ... Up All Night.... EVery MANS FANTASY I have the PREFECT A-S .ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES - 28
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall!! Covering the Midsouth..)
;-)Freaky Vixen Must See!!!!!r - 21
Friendly fetish dream maker!! - 25
○ ♦ End The Day The Right Way ♦ ○ - 19
==♥== ( EROTiC ) ======= Last Chance ======= ( ENCOU NTER ) ==♥== - 21
(in/out Memphis)
Beautiful Blondes, Brunettes , Red Head And Auburns With The Best Prices In Town - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
Black Indian and Portican Slim Gorgeous Playmate - 21
(memphis/tunica casinos)
Big BOOTY Judy 912*441*8830 Great Special $$$$$$$$$ - 28
BEST massage therapy - 25
(Memphis, memphis West Memphis downtown memphis)
Aphrodite Companions Ladies Stay Busy and Receive Top Pay.. We Won't Waste Your Time...
Dont waste your good years !! - 21
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job AND WANT TO MAKE $6,000 per Week..MUST READ!!!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Sun 26 Jan
I can satisfy you with all the 3 holes 👅🥰🥰,
( Travel all around the state)
Mon 13 Jan
VISITING! ----- (((Nov 18-21.. Nov 30 & Dec1))) ----- Call ahead! _ Upscale - Verified - Reviewed - 22
You are now F'n wit da BaDDesT!! Rosay Dreams - 18
(Whever you are)
~ ~ ~ Uninhibited ~ ~ ~ Mphs Jan 27 - Feb 7 - 39
(Mid South)
~*Three Beautiful Ladies That Wants To Pamper and Spoil You~You'll Love It*~ - 20
(Memphis and Tunica)
Sun 12 Jan
WeRe StiLl ViSiTiNg, WeRe WaItInG fOr YoU, wHeN YoUr FrEe CoMe tHrU.... - 22
(Memphis, LAKELAND)
>>-(¯`v´¯)->># ❶ CHOICE On Duty
(Fayetteville soon 2 B BRANSON)
🌷Victoria (386) 481-7906 🌷 - 30
(Memphis, Germantown, Cordova, Jackson, olive bra)
Transgender Woman Seeks Above Average Penis Size Black Man - 40
(Memphis, Brighton, Tennessee)
~ * C l a s s y ~ * I r i s h ~ * B e a u t y ~ M a t u r e & I n d e p e n d e n t* All New Pics - 37
(Memphis, memphis/tunica)
~*~*~*~*~*~ :) AVAILABLE 24/7!!! :) ~*~*~* #1 Blonde Playmate of the year!!! :) ~*~*~* - 23
(Memphis, Incall & Outcalls Will travel to Tunica)
High Class Elite Arkansas Escort: Blonde Bomshell with Bomb Skills! - 35
(Memphis, Nashville, worldwide by appointment)
♥♥Hot Fun with A Hot Body♥♥ Young, Sexy Lady★★OUTCALLS TO YOU★★ - 23
(Memphis, All of Memphis/Tunica/W.Memphis/Southave)
Full figured Enjoyment 901-438-9699 - 40
Gentlemens Choice - 24
GIRLS are in Jackson TN TONIGHT (4-16-15) !!In and outcall!! - 25
(Memphis, Jackson ,memphis and surrounding)
80 HOURLY rate! Check out my skills! Talented lady has pleasure obsession! Great Massage - 28
A guy's best boy toy!! - 25
Let me come cater to u..CALL ME.. (901)378-1403 - 25
(Memphis, memphis and surrounding areas)
Lacy's Medicine hands - 22
(Memphis, Memphis,Bartlett,Downtown, Millington)
(Memphis,Or I Can Travel To You)
***∆∆∆NeW PiCs ToYs ThE ReAl TrEaSuRe FrEaKiEsT Of ThEm ALL∆∆∆*** - 24
(Memphis, East Ridgeway Area{901~340~4432})
All Azz Ashley - 25
(Memphis, Memphis West Memphis Tunica Desoto Area)
Beautiful Blondes, Brunettes , Red Head And Auburns With The Best Prices In Town - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
🎀🎀🎀One of a Kind Pornstar Deanna Dare in Memphis 🎀🎀🎀 - 25
(DT Memphis, Memphis)
💋The Talented London Monroe💋 •- :¦:- • : ° S° W°E° E ° T ° •:¦:• LIKE •-:¦:-• °Candy•- :¦...
(InCaLL EastMemphis OR OutCaLL 2 YourBed, Memphis)
*T a l l ~ *C l a s s y ~ *G o r g e o u s ~ *G e n u i n e ~ & *I n d e p e n d e n t ~ - 35
(Memphis, memphis/tunica)
BEST massage therapy - 25
(Memphis, memphis West Memphis downtown memphis)
(B)_r_(u)_n_(E) t_T_E (G)_o_(N)_e (W)_i_(L)_d
(Memphis Specials , Tunica Specials)
Sweet* Sexy* Seductive* petite * TREAT** where fantasies HAPPEN !!$ 100 incall special..... - 21
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall)
sOuThErN SeDuCtReSs ** SiNfullY sWEEt*** YoUng TrEaT*** incall/outcall - 21
(¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) SIMPLY ___ SEXY___ PLAYMATE (¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) - 24
(memphis,tunica,& surroundings)
Step Yo Mutha Game up....and buy a bottl3 of Rosay!!! - 18
SiNfUllY SwEeT YoNg TrEat Best At It All - 22
*¨¨*:..:*¨¨* SEXY REDHEAD NYMPHO (¯`*.!.*´¯) GIRL NEXT DOOR *¨¨*:. ;.:*¨¨* - 20
'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ LeT mE ★ BE Your❣💋 {{N€W}} aDdiCtiON💋[K!NK¥ & uPsCaLE💋] OutCalls Avail❣ ¯`'...
Low budget in Memphis/ ESCORT ETIQUETTE READ - 99
Latin LOVER, FANTASYS begin here ** Endless POSSIBILITIES~ TUNICA NOW, Si hablo espanol... - 28
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall!! Covering the Midsouth..)
Dedicated, focus, hard working & fun allow this young white beauty get the job done!! $$ - 23
(Memphis, Jackson, TN)
~ * C l a s s y ~ * I r i s h ~ * B e a u t y ~ M a t u r e, I n d e p e n d e n t &100% Real Pics - 36
(Memphis, memphis/tunica)
High-end Agency with IMMEDIATE Openings!
(Memphis, Nashville)